Our Staff

Our School Staff for Scholastic Year 2024-2025

Senior Leadership Team (SLT):


Sr Antonia Bugeja, DSH

Email: srantoniabugeja@theresanuzzoschool.com

Deputy Heads @ Marsa

Ms Annabella Gauci in charge of Years 5 & 6

Email: annabellagauci@theresanuzzoschool.com.

Ms Rita Bellizzi in charge of Years 1 & 2 and Transition from Kinder

Email: ritabellizzi@theresanuzzoschool.com

Ms Ylenia Camilleri in charge of Years 3 & 4

SLT common email address: info@theresanuzzoschool.com

School Secretary:

Ms Josephine Treeby Ward

Email: josephinetw@theresanuzzoschool.com

The Kindergarten School at Hamrun includes:

Deputy Head:

Ms Sonia Bezzina in charge of Kinders 1 & 2 and Transition to Year 1.

Email: soniabezzina@theresanuzzoschool.com

School Clerk:

Ms Graziella Busuttil

Email: graziellabusuttil@theresanuzzoschool.com

– 5 Kindergarten Educators:

– 5 Class Assistants and a number of LSEs according to the number of statemented pupils with special needs

– 1 Domestic person.

Kindergarten 1:

Ms Miriam Aguis
Ms Abigail Mifsud

Kindergarten 2:

Ms Katya Ciappara
Ms Diandra Seychell
Ms Yvette Lautier

The Primary School at Marsa includes:

Year 1:

Ms Marisa Sammut

Ms Katya Mercieca

Year 2:

Ms Alison Axisa

Ms Kym Bondin Bianco

Year 3:

Ms Alexia Morcelet

Ms Terry Duca

Year 4: Teachers teach by subject:

Mr Matthew Cassar – English both classes, Maths both classes, Religion to his class.

Ms Rita Grech – Maltese both classes, Social Studies both classes, Science both classes, ICT both classes, Religion to her class.

Years 5 & 6: Teachers teach by subject:

Ms Daniela Spiteri – Maths to both Years 5 & 6

Mr Roderick Spiteri – English and ICT to both Years 5 & 6

Ms Michelle Pace Moore – Maltese to both Years 5 & 6 & Social Studies to both Year 5 classes

Mr Joseph Vella – Religion to both Years 5 & 6, Science to both Years 5 & 6 and Social Studies to both Year 6 classes

– A number of LSEs according to the number of statemented pupils with special needs

IT System Administrator – Mr Patrick Ruggier

-1 handyman

– 5 domestic persons