The first eTwinning Project was created on the 27th May 2013 by Ms Annabella Gauci who was teaching Year 4 during that scholastic year.
Project Title: Advent/Christmas and Lent/Holy Week/Easter as celebrated in Malta and Croatia.
Short description of the project:
The pupils take photos with their cameras and upload them onto their computers. They will then attach them to an email and send them to their teachers. The teachers will save the attached photos into different folders on their computers. Each class will discuss each photo and together plan a PowerPoint presentation including information. When it is ready, it will be sent to the partner country to be shared with the partner class.
The whole process will take place twice; the first time during Advent/Christmas time in December 2013 and the second time during Lent/Easter in March/April 2014.
All the work will be uploaded on Twinspace as well as a Google website.
In Malta, the whole project will be done by Grade 5 pupils aged 9-10 years old.
In Croatia, the whole project will be done by Grade 3 pupils aged 9-10 years old.
The aims of the project were:
Work process:
Croatia: September: meet with the parents of the 3rd class pupils who will be part of the project and speak with them about the project. Inform the teachers’ council about Project.
Malta: September: inform teachers during first staff meeting of the year about the project with Grade 5 pupils. Ask pupils to bring scrapbook to stick handouts in relation to the project.
Malta: October: Inform parents of Grade 5 pupils about project during Parents’ Meeting.
Croatia: November/December: First part of the project: Advent time: making an Advent wreath and Celebration of St. Barbara, St. Nicholas, St. Lucia, singing traditional Advent songs, making the traditional Christmas decorations from crepe paper and old Croatian Honey Cakes Decorations “licitar”. There will be a visit to the ethnographic Museum in Zagreb and see how Christmas time was lived in the past. Learn the traditional Christmas song, one of the oldest Christmas Songs in Croatia and sing it. Make a list of Croatian Christmas songs. Make a Christmas Card for pupils in Malta. Make a PPT and clips of the activities, including photos taken with mobile phones and cameras. During the holidays (for homework) the pupils will write and include photos of their Christmas activities at home and send them via email to teacher and pupils in Malta.
Malta: November/December: First part of the project: Advent time: making an Advent wreath and Celebration of the feast of Our Lady Immaculate. Special assembly by one of the Grade 5 classes (5G) about Advent. A visit to the parish church of Siggiewi which is dedicted to St. Nicholas, preferably on the 6th of December or at least a day before so as to be able to see the church decorated for the feast. Another visit will be to the parish church in Bormla dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. This too is decorated for the feast celebrated on the 8th December. Receipes of the traditional Maltese savory and sweet dishes at Christmas time will be sent to Croatia. Singing the traditional Maltese Christmas song “Ninni la Tibkix Iżjed”. Make a list of Maltese Christmas songs. Make a Christmas Card for pupils in Croatia. Make a PPT and clips of the activities, including photos taken with mobile phones and cameras. During the holidays (for homework) the pupils will write and include photos of their Christmas activities at home and send them via email to teacher and pupils in Croatia.
March: Lent in Malta and Croatia.
The expected results:
Labels and awards:
During Scholastic Years 2015-2016 & 2016-2017, we were part of the Erasmus+ project I Spy With My Little Eye, for which an eTwinning project was also created.
During Scholastic Years 2017-2018 & 2018-2019, we were part of the Erasmus+ project LATCH – Literacy at the Children’s Hearts, for which an eTwinning project was also created.
The second eTwinning project was created by Cospicua Girls’ Learning Support Centre on the 11th December 2020 together with Ms Annabella Gauci from Theresa Nuzzo School.
Both Year 4 classes were involved in the project.
Project Title: Hand Genie Star Competition
Project description:
This is a poster competition for primary school children, promoting conservation of water during hand washing.
Aims of the project:
Students will learn to:
. do hand washing correctly, keeping in mind to scrub their hands for 20 seconds.
. keep in mind to close the water tap whilst scrubbing their hands.
. understand the importance of water conservation.
. be creative by making a poster promoting water conservation during hand washing.
The work process:
I will create a video that is attractive for the students to help them learn the correct way to wash their hands and save water.
I will organise a poster competition, together with certificates and tokens for participants.
Expected results:
A Twinspace is only created between the two schools.
Labels and awards:
While the school was working on the above project, we were also part of two Erasmus+ projects for which eTwinning projects were also created:
BOOST – Building on Opportunities for Story-Telling
STEM for Life
The Third eTwinning Project was created on the 26th December 2023 by Anna Napora from Kraków, Poland and Ms Annabella Gauci asked to include Theresa Nuzzo School as part of the project. This project made it to the National Awards for promoting Inclusion, as well as to the European Awards.
The “Kind hearts” project was aimed at children and young people with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities. Its aim is to promote kindness, mutual respect and social integration among project participants.
You can follow the progress of this project on:
Labels and awards:
A big thank you goes to the LSEs and their learners for their collaboration in the project:
Ms Mandy Debono & Ms Kathleen Scicluna Lia with learner Kirk Gatt of Grade 2 together with Ms Kym Bondin Bianco’s class.
Ms Jade Jones with learner Matthew Casha of Grade 2 Ms Alison Axisa.
Ms Maria Cutajar, Ms Caroline Borg, Ms Donna Galea & Ms Romina Sciberras with learner Francesco Curmi of Grade 3 together with Ms Ylenia Camilleri’s class.
Ms Nathalie Galea with learner Ylenia Elise Cini of Grade 5.
Thank you also goes to Mr Patrick Ruggier our school IT System Administrator for his great help.
The Fourth eTwinning Project, Joyful Reading Journey, was created by Elcin Ceyan from Manisa, Turkey in August 2024. Elcin posted the project summary, aims and expected results on the official eTwinning facebook page asking for partners to join the project.
As a school we felt it was an ideal project to take part in since it supports learners who face challenges with reading, including those with Dyslexia. It is a project designed to disseminate and build upon the outcomes of an Erasmus+ KA210SCH Dyslexia Friendly Schools Initiative project.
This project is a collaborative international initiative aimed at fostering creativity, cultural exchange, and awareness about dyslexia among students and teachers.
September: The project begins with teachers introducing themselves, adding their school information to a Google Map, and forming a communication network via WhatsApp.
October: Students are introduced to the project, and they learn about TwinSpace netiquette. Virtual meetings are held to bring all participants together, and a presurvey is conducted to gather initial data from teachers and students.
November: A logo contest is held, followed by a reading of a short story about dyslexia. Students engage in discussions, share reflections, and express their understanding through drawings.
December: Students create and write traditional stories from their cultures, which they then record as audiobooks.
January-February: A collaborative chain story is developed, with each school contributing a part. The completed story is compiled into an eBook, and students illustrate stories from other partner schools.
March: Students research and present information about famous celebrities with dyslexia, highlighting their achievements and experiences.
April: The project concludes with a reflection phase, including a postsurvey and a virtual closing ceremony. Students and teachers share their experiences, and a final report is compiled to document the project’s outcomes.
Project Aims:
Expected Results:
You can follow the progress of this project on
The Fifth eTwinning Project, BUDDY TEAMS! was created on 28th December, 2024 by Guluzar Baser from Turkey and Co-Founded by Lidia Chrapkowska from Poland and includes partnerships with schools from Romania, Lebanon, Spain, Italy and Ukraine.
“Buddy Teams!” focuses on promoting anti-bullying awareness. Our school has enthusiastically joined this initiative, aligning with the launch of our school’s anti-bullying policy during scholastic year 2024-2025. The Pupil Council will play a key role in raising awareness among the school community about the importance of being a buddy rather than a bully, encouraging students to Support, Report, and Defend against bullying.