Assessment Policy


At Theresa Nuzzo School we believe that assessment provides the basis of informed teaching, helping pupils to overcome difficulties and ensuring that teaching builds upon what has been learned. It is also the means by which pupils understand what they have achieved and what they need to work on.

Formative assessment creates a positive learning environment where children can see the steps necessary for their own success. It enables teachers to set appropriate work at the level necessary for the children’s continuing progress.

Summative assessment is important for acquiring more information regarding a child’s attainment and progress.

Aims and objectives

The aims and objectives of this policy are:

Types of assessment

At Theresa Nuzzo School, we use a combination of formative and summative assessment as outlined below:

Formative Assessment (Assessment for Learning – AFL)

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein

Based on the above, our mission is to provide an environment for holistic learning and growth which caters for the progress and attainment of each child; and that assessment should be in line with this premise, namely through a balance between formative and summative assessment.

Assessment for learning uses information as evidence of:

Formative assessment in Maltese and English Literacy ought to take into consideration all of the following components:

Formative assessment in Mathematics ought to take into consideration all of the following components:

Formative assessment in Social Studies, Science and Religion ought to take into consideration the following:

To provide teaching staff with adequate training to enable the realization of this policy.

To provide parents and other stakeholders involved with information regarding this policy through:

Children are to be formatively assessed through some/all of the following:

Summative Assessment (Assessment of Learning-AOL)

Assessment and Reporting in the Infant Years – Years 1,2,3

Assessment and Reporting in the Junior Years – Years 4,5

Assessment and Reporting in the Junior Years – Year 6


Homework is an integral part of learning. It is an expectation and a requirement. The homework set should provide pupils with the experience of working independently without immediate access to the teacher. It should consolidate and extend work covered in school and develop in our pupils a positive attitude towards independent learning.

Objectives of homework:

Teachers’ Duties:

Parents’/Guardians’ Duties:

Marking Guidance

The guidance on grading forms part of the whole school policy for assessment and is directly linked to curriculum planning. The school is committed to using formative assessment, through assessment for learning, and uses focused marking as the principle method for providing feedback to children in order to raise standards of attainment.

Formative assessment is based on the principle that in order to make good progress, pupils need to be clear about the next steps in learning.

Teachers use focused marking to assess children’s progress in relation to planned learning objectives and to identify children’s strengths and gaps in their skills/knowledge. Next steps should be shared with the child, in an age-appropriate way, in order to provide feedback to the child about where they are, in relation to this aim and the steps necessary to achieve the aim.

This information is used to inform planning for subsequent lessons and to facilitate the setting of appropriate targets for the class, group or individual. Grouping should be flexible in order for teachers to effectively address the needs of children with similar gaps in learning. E.g. Guided reading/RWInc. Reading Scheme.

When necessary, teachers should write a comment on the children’s work.

The school recognizes that the best way to communicate next steps is through verbal feedback given directly to the child by the teacher.

Children should be given the opportunity to look at and respond to the teacher’s comments in an-age-appropriate way.

Focused marking of children’s writing should relate to either the specific learning objective (communicated through ‘I can…’ statements), or the next step target for each child.

Teachers do not correct every mistake in a piece of written work, as this can be overwhelming for children and will rarely lead to an improvement.

The main purpose for marking Maths work is to identify whether children have grasped a mathematical concept or method and to assess the steps needed to enable them to make further progress.

The school acknowledges that there is a role for testing; however teachers ensure that test results are fed back to children individually and sensitively. Teachers are however encouraged to provide information to children on whether the mark achieved is an improvement on previous attainment.

Self Assessment

Teachers should provide regular opportunities for children to assess their own work and the learning of their peers. This supports children to be actively involved in their learning and to be able to identify their own targets for improvement. This may include:

Updated, August 2023